It was a bright Tuesday morning last March 4, 2008, when the Carewell family gathered at our meeting place at the Shell station at EDSA corner Ayala Avenue. A nice and comfortable mini bus was provided by Moonyeen Singson, our gracious host, and destination was Field of Faith Sanctuary, a 4-hectare complex situated at the foot of a mountain in Calauan,Laguna.
I thought I would be the early bird when I arrived at 7:05 a.m. but was surprised to see Moonyeen and Zita Deniega, a new member who came to the office only last Feb. 28 for interview and registration. Our managing director, Bobbit Suntay must have used much of his persuasive power about carebelles, Zita decided to join the trip at her own risk.
Beth Sugue still in mask, came with care giving husband, Victor. She would not miss this for the world. She's tired of just listening to our misadventures. Linda Dizon,our most senior and still fashionable carebelle made it after having memorized for a week, the way to Kalayaan St. in Makati to Shell station at EDSA. The Wea Twins of the group, Judy Tan and Julie Cheng, the charming Chinese mestizas, came together as usual, looking sweeter everytime.
Marisa Oreta arrived in her usual white garb, this time with a beautiful, native hat, never leaving her elegant ways behind.
Bobbit came with mother-in law Ms. Dely Fernandez, all smiles in their faces, not knowing what lay ahead in this trip with this bunch. Abelle Sipin, always in her sweet smiles came with Dr. Cherry Librojo, whom we missed after a 10-day medical mission in Cebu.
Nanette Villareal, who came one hour late, was very apologetic but was forgiven when we learned that she brought that great tasting macaroni salad and sautéed marble potatoes. What else was there for us to do? Raquel Gooc was very late she missed the trip. We missed her too!
Off we went and met the other carebelles at the Shell station at South Expressway after Alabang. Marissa Nerida, was bubblier than ever, even without husband Danny. There was no let up in this girl as she spilled out barbs and anecdotes one after another. Rose Azardon was in her beautiful pink shirt with floral prints painted by our dear Jane Beate. Next time all carebelles will be sporting similar shirts. Marie Ganir was glowing in her red shirt and bandana, you couldn't miss seeing her every step of the way.
Lastly myself, and what else could I bring with me but my crazy self, which I thought, was enough.
Moonyeen, who looked her best in a sweet pink striped top and overshirt and mini ponytail started the trip right when she served sandwiches on board, knowing that most of us had not taken breakfast. Fun started too, at the bus, when carebelles spilled out jokes after jokes. Perhaps the driver lost his sense of hearing early in the day.
Awed were all of us, when we arrived at the place, at the sight of the sanctuary. We savored the clean air and the beautiful sights as we sipped the welcome drinks of fresh buko juice. The carebells were behaved for a while when we took the path at the Labyrinth Hall (an early Christian meditative and prayer tool made of tiles). After that, we went back to our normal, noisy selves. Our apologies to Moonyeen for smearing the sanctity of the place.
Some of us went through the 850-meter Rosary Path, where we saw beautiful wood sculptures which depict the stations of the cross. We were shown the gardens rooms (there were 10 of them) with nice individual bathrooms and terraces. The retreat place is suitable for small groups (36 persons) for team building seminars, meditation groups, wellness groups and for those who just want peace and quiet.
Then we were treated to a sumptuous lunch at the airconditioned glass hall where more bonding took place. Zita, the new member sat with us, Julie, Judy, Rose and me. She confessed that cancer really did something to her. She had the chance to meet us and to have a great time with us. I hope she did not speak too soon. Although I noticed that in the bus, early enough, she was hysterically laughing already with us.
After lunch, back to fun. Rose, as usual performed with me every chance we got to dance or sing an old tune. I decided to call her "articulate" (maarte na, makulit pa). She's really fun to be with. The Carewell family will be in for a surprise from this girl who had extensive experience in support groups.
Bobbit had a great time taking pictures of the carebelles who were addicted to cameras. Dr. Cherry took video shots, while we took pleasure in watching her nice moves. We learned this coverage would be used for a TV documentary. Abelle's smile and sweet ways were enough to add brightness to the carebelles' day.
Noticeably, Ms. Dely had her eyes glowing as she observed the group. Perhaps she never expected that her daughter's vision of having a support group in Manila would turn out a bunch like this. I hope she did not regret her decision to support Jackie and Bobbit's idea.
Not long after, we were served snacks at the glass hall and then prepared to leave before 3:00 p.m.
To Moonyeen, we thank you for your generosity. We will talk about your beautiful place with our families, friends and associates.
To our managing director, Bobbit, we thank you for your loving heart for people like us, cancer survivors.
To Ms. Dely Fernandez, we thank you for your support and for gracing this trip with your presence.
To Dr. Cherry, thank you for all your care and empathy toward us and for understanding our feelings.
To Abelle, thank you for your efficient ways and your sweet presence in our midst.
To Jane, whom we missed in this trip, thank you for your warm attention and loving kindness to all of us.
To dear carebelles, thank you for making up this unique and happy group and for being part of each others' journey. Thank you for bringing back my passion for writing.
To our God the Father, thank you for allowing this convergence of people who make up the Carewell family. May you continue to grant wisdom and knowledge that will empower us to pursue our plans and objectives to bless and be blessed. May all these bring honor, praise and glory to You and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.