To join or not to join... is it worth joining a cancer support group?
by Lulu Arevalo
I was diagnosed with stage 3B breast cancer in October of 2003. I went through the usual process: mastectomy (9 out of the 11 lymph nodes removed were positive with cancer cells), 8 cycles of chemotherapy and 33 sessions of radiation. I also had to take Arimidex daily for 5 years.
It was mid-2007 when I first heard of Carewell. I checked out its website and even called their office to get some information. It took me a while to decide whether I wanted to join a support group or not. Finally, I decided to join the Thursday group of Carewell March of 2008 and . . . was glad I did. On my first day at Carewell, the experience was overwhelming. I was welcomed by none other than our Managing Director, Mr. Bobbit Suntay and Dr. Cherry (Librojo). I was then led to a room where I met a lot of amazing women. Laughter was all over the room. Everyone was talking all at the same time . . . and yet, it wasn’t annoying. It felt like the room was shaking.J In this room, cancer was just a word . . . there was no trace of cancer because of the positive disposition towards life that these wonderful people possess. I then said to myself “This is where I belong.”
And from that day on, I always looked forward to Thursdays and I became one of the regular attendees.
Incorporated in 2005, the Cancer Resource and Wellness (Carewell) Community is a non-profit organization that provides support, education, and hope to persons with cancer and their loved ones. Carewell was envisioned by the late Jackie Fernandez-Suntay, and her husband, Bobbit Suntay. Their commitment to establishing Carewell was inspired by their experiences at The Wellness Community (TWC) in the US.
A support group is a place for people to gather, to give support and receive support from each other. Here, you spend time with people who share and understand your experience, and no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. There's comfort in belonging to a group that speaks the same language you do because they have experienced the same things you did.
In my three years as a member of Carewell (btw, we call ourselves Carebelles), I have gained a lot of friends. Along our cancer journey, we all became close. They’re like members of my family and I consider them a very important part of my life. There’s this certain bond that we share with each other, which is unbelievable.
Friends are really special and I consider them a treasure. We know how wonderful it is to have them. But what happens when we lose them? Losing a close friend is like losing a part of yourself. It’s sad to say, but through the years, we have lost some of our members. Some, I met only once . . . others, I never got the chance to meet and just learned of their passing. But for those who became really, really close to me . . . whom I consider already family . . . how do I deal with their loss? Now, the question “Is it worth joining a support group?” enters my mind. Losing my friends gives me this empty feeling and a heavy heart, for I will never see nor get to talk to them anymore. Just like losing a member of your family, the pain is just too much to bear.
Now, back to the question “Is it worth joining a cancer support group?” In all honesty, I would say Y E S . . . Y E S . . . Y E S !Aside from the given benefits in joining a support group, it is all worth it. Why? Because, if not for Carewell, I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet these wonderful, beautiful, courageous women. The same people who laughed with me, giggled with me, listened to my stories, shared their life (and food J) with me and most importantly, who became my friends . . . my family. Their memories will continue to live in my heart forever. Thank you, ladies for being a part of my life. Til we meet again! . . . . . . . . . . . I hope not too soon though.
I will be forever grateful to our ever so caring Managing Director, Mr. Bobbit Suntay, to our lovely and beautiful Tita Dely Fernandez, to the three gorgeous mainstay volunteers; Ms. Abelle Sipin, Doc Cherry Librojo & Ms. Loyan Pineda, of course, to our lovely Ms. Jane, for tirelessly taking care of us, and to all the rest of our volunteers. My heartfelt thanks to all of you for having a heart so big to think of other people’s welfare.
More power to Carewell!!!